Thursday, April 15, 2010

How is Moonstruck Media Production, LLC Eco-Friendly?

On Saturday, April 17, 2010, we will be participating in the Isthmas Green Day show at the Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin. The Isthmas Green Day show is an event that will showcase vendors and speakers on how we all can be more eco-friendly. The question that we've been getting asked alot is, "How is a multimedia production company eco-friendly?"

Moonstruck Media Production, LLC
is eco-friendly because we are one of the few multimedia production companies within Madison, Wisconsin who specialize in Live Streaming.

Say you are having a company trade show that sadly not all of your customers are able to attend. Have no fear! Moonstruck Media Production, LLC is able to help! We have the capability to bring our video equipment to your event, conduct a live broadcast of your show and have all your customers view it over the internet and in the comfort of their home or/and office at the same time your event is going on. This keeps them from driving and flying to your event keeping our air a bit cleaner!

Another excellent example of Live Streaming is if you are getting married. Wither it's here or there, all friends and family are able to view your ceremony while it is happening. That means grandparents in nursing homes, aunts and uncles on business trips, and anyone else who is not able to make your special day will still be able to watch the ceremony and not miss a single second.

Not only are we making it more convenient for customers, family and friends, but we do this without increasing our carbon footprint on our planet.

While at the Isthmas Green Day show, we will be doing a live demonstration of our Live Streaming service at 3:45pm CST on our website ( of a Green Wedding that is also taking place during the show. Just stop by our website around 3:45pm CST and click on "view our LIVE broadcast demonstration" to watch us in action.

You can also view the wedding at our booth on the trade show floor. And while your there, please feel free to ask us more about our Live Streaming services, as well as other services we offer. And don't forget to check out our Show ONLY Specials
and prize drawing.

For more information about Live Streaming please visit our website at

For more information about Live Streaming a wedding ceremony, please visit our Wedding page, under packages at

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that's sounds good. I'll try your service. :)

    Best regards,
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